Thursday, April 17, 2008

Oh Rats!

You should be grateful I have no picture for this post. A few weeks ago Daniel said he heard a mouse in the walls of our house. So last week he put out a trap with peanut butter(thanks dad for the idea) and grueyre cheese. At first we thought our mouse must have been American b/c he did not like the French cheese, but eventually he bit and Daniel did the clean up work. Thanks Daniel. So today I went out to the garage to get into our year supply of oats to make some chocolate chip cookies. I brought the unopened box of oats into the kitchen and began to unseal the box. Well, well, well, who should pop their little paws and head out of our box-- a friend of our little rat that we sent to heaven.
Of course I screamed and Olivia said, "Mom, I would appreciate it if you would not scream like that, you hurt my ears." Excuse me!! I got my nerve up and threw the box into the garage and now we have a mouse/rat loose in the house. I will keep you posted on how Exterminator Dan does with the task at hand!


Ann Ledesma April 18, 2008 at 9:24 AM  

You mean the mouse got out of the box and is IN the house? I am all signed in with my own account. Thanks for the help. Love, G Ma Ann

Lindsay April 18, 2008 at 1:53 PM  

The rat just poked his head out of the box and decided to go back in the box when I screamed. Who knows were it is now, but we did set another trap!




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