Sunday, November 2, 2008

Loula's baby blessing

In the LDS church we do not baptize our babies. (We do that when they are 8 years old-the children can then decide whether or not they want to be baptized) but in do give our babies a blessing. Daniel gave Lauren Bell a beautiful, full, rich, yet tender and simple blessing. I know Lauren-'Loula' will fill her life with what our Father in Heaven wants her to do and be.
We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. Thank you everyone for loving and taking care of us.

Aaron has taken a similar picture with all our babies.

(Here is Aaron with Olivia on her blessing day)

Grandpa Mike, Barbie, Loula, Mom, Dad and Grandma Ann.

Here is our complete family. Aren't we beautiful!!

This is all of our friends and family.

back row: Ann, Daniel, Loula, Andrea, Todd, Mike, Barbie, Erla, "Home Teacher Todd"- as Olivia calls him.
front row: Sam, me, Darci (Daniel's secretary), Chloë, Chase, Olivia, Aaron, Zion, Talia, Hyrum, and Casey.





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