I have alluded to this earlier...but here is the whole story. You might be wondering why Cloe is holding a doughnut. Well for the past couple of YEARS, yes years Chloë has told me her tummy hurts. I just thought it was a way for her to get attention. Before last summer started I decided to listen to her and go get some test taken. The other reason why I wanted some test taken was because she is a very lathargic child. Well, the only thing the tests said was that she had mono. The doctor said that explained her lathargicness, but I still don't buy that.
After a few months of Chloë still complaining about her tummy I decided to do a little testing of my own. I decided I was going to see if she was allergic to soy or wheat or milk or eggs, ect. I figured milk was the easiest to eliminate. Well, after 2 days of oatmeal and no milk she stopped telling me her tummy hurt. So we went to the doctor and did some blood work, sure enough she is allergic to milk- not just the lactose.
Anyway a few months of no milk and things are better, but she still says her tummy hurts. So we have an appointment with an allergist in a few weeks and a GI doctor. So we will get down to the bottom of the matter at some point.
So why the doughnut...well I took the three older kids to the dentist this morning and everyone else got a milkshake for being good at the dentist. But Chloë had to wait for her treat...a treat that doesn't have milk! | | | |
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